Monday, February 13, 2006

What is This Coaching Thing...Anyway?

You’ve heard the word....Even some of your friends have one.
It seems like it’s past the point of a trend.
You think, “maybe I should look into this coaching thing.”

But what the heck is it?

There are many misconceptions about what professional coaching is and isn’t. This article is intended to give you information that we think will be helpful in clearing up the confusion about coaching.

What is coaching?
There are many definitions of coaching. Ask 50 coaches what coaching is and you’ll get 50 different answers. My favorite definition is:

Professional coaching is a professional partnership between a qualified coach and an individual or team that supports the achievement of extraordinary results based on goals set by the individuals or team.

What does coaching do?
Masterful coaching creates clarity and velocity. Having a coach will help you get more of what you really want and get it faster than you thought possible. A coach also functions as a resource and a guide as you navigate the slippery slope of going for your dreams. Going for your dreams is a big game, and having a fantastic life is a big project that warrants having a coach. If you wanted to climb Mt. Everest, one of the most important steps is to hire a good guide to show you the way. The guide helps you see the route, keeps you on track, and if all goes well, gets to you to the top of Mt. Everest.

What kind of coaching is right for me?
There are literally hundreds of coaching specialties. The term most commonly heard these days is “Life Coach.” Life Coach is a catch-all phrase for coaching that often refers to Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, or Corporate Coaching. Choose which coach is right for you based on your current situation and what you want to accomplish with the coaching. If you are a middle manager and want to develop and grow your own business, you would want to hire an entrepreneurship coach. If you need help dealing with your kids, you want a parenting coach. If you are an executive who has leadership challenges, you need a leadership coach.

What can I expect from coaching?
First you can expect the coach to ask you what you want. Often people are going for things that they think they want, but are not their true desire. Excellent coaches will not take your word for it. They will push you to create real clarity around what you really want.
For example, I once spoke with a middle-aged woman who was totally excited about flying airplanes. So her conceptual idea was to work as ticket agent for an airline. She would be sending people off to fly, but not flying herself. That would have left her disappointed and unsatisfied.
Once you have clarity, the next step is to design a project or a plan to get you moving in that direction. An important part of the plan is to create a supportive environment to keep you on track and moving forward. All along the way the coach will help keep you on track, push you when you need to be pushed, acknowledge you when you need to be acknowledged, and stand right with you while you go for your life.

I am curious about coaching, but I just don’t think I can afford it. What should I do?
There are many ways to get access to coaching. I deliver coaching in three ways. There is traditional one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and seminars. Many of Greystone Guides group coaching and seminars are very affordable. If you are curious about coaching, call Mattison or Jaime at 832.283.2476. We offer a complimentary conversation to answer your questions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mattison - I love your definition: Creating clarity and velocity. So many folks think coaching is touchy feely. Actually, it's more like getting a fire lit under your butt! If you just want to go through life complaining 'cuz you don't have what you want, DON'T get a coach!